Applicant Frequently Asked Questions
If you do not see your question in this list below, please reach out to your CAA for assistance:
- A caseworker created my record, then sent me an invitation to use the Client Portal. Where do I start?
- I forgot my username/password
- Why does my password need to be "Great"?
- How do I log out of my record?
- I only see a Global or Basic tab when I log into my Client Portal account
- I clicked the wrong CAA link on the AR Fresh Start Website
- My information is not updating in the Client Portal / The Portal is acting strangely / I am receiving error messages
- What is the Application Wizard?
- How do I start my application?
- How can I see what is left to do before submitting my application?
- How long do I have to complete my application?
- I have a "rent-to-own" and "lease-to-own" agreement. Can I apply for emergency rental assistance?
- Can I reapply if I am denied once?
A caseworker created my record, then sent me an invitation to use the Client Portal. Where do I start?
You will receive an email from Be sure to check your spam folder if you do not see this email.
Open the email, click the link, and follow the prompts to create your account.
When finished, continue following the instructions in this article. If your caseworker has already created your application, advance to How can I see what is left to do before submitting my application? below
I forgot my username/password
Your Username is the email address you used after clicking Apply Now on the AR Fresh Start web page
- If you have forgotten your password, go to the login screen at and click the Forgotten Password link.
- Enter your User Name in the text field. Your user name is the email address you used after clicking Apply Now on the AR Fresh Start web page.
- Click Request Reset
- An email will be sent to the email address entered in your record with a link to reset your password.
- Click the link in the email to return to eLogic Genesis, enter your new password, and click Reset Password. Please note that your password must be indicated as "Great" by containing any combination of uppercase and lowercase letters as well as numbers or special characters.
- Log in using your email address new password.
Why does my password need to be "Great"?
We at eLogic Genesis take data security very seriously. Our Password Strength Indicator actively compares your new password against common breaching techniques, ensuring that your password is the securest of the secure to protect your data.
If you experience any issues or have any concerns, please reach out to your specialist for additional assistance.
How do I log out of my record?
- Click/tap the
User Menu in the top right corner
- Click/tap Logout from the drop-down menu
I only see a Global or Basic tab when I log into my Client Portal account
If your record contains a single tab that says "Global" or "Basic", click (desktop users) or Tap (mobile users) the Agency Home icon in the top left corner.
Desktop |
Mobile |
A side panel will open and read "Select Agency":
- If the only option shown is "Global Record", you have not yet been assigned a caseworker from your local CAA.
- You will receive an email notification when one has been assigned to you.
- When you receive that email, log into your account again. You should be brought to your full record.
- If you log in again and see the same page, proceed to the next bullet point and follow those instructions.
- If you see your local CAA listed, click/tap the name of the CAA to be brought to your full record.
I clicked the wrong CAA link on the AR Fresh Start Website
If you clicked the wrong Apply Now link on the AR Fresh Start Website:
- Return to the AR Fresh Start Website, scroll to the bottom
- Click the county where you live on the interactive map
- Click Apply Now
- IMPORTANT: If you entered an email address the first time when you used the wrong link, you must use the same email address again
- A caseworker from the correct CAA will be assigned to you
- See this article for the next steps, then continue the application process as instructed
My information is not updating in the Client Portal / The Portal is acting strangely / I am receiving error messages
You will sometimes need to refresh the webpage to troubleshoot issues:
If the issue is not resolved after refreshing the webpage, contact your local CAA and explain the issue in as much detail as possible.
What is the Application Wizard?
The eLogic Genesis Application Wizard is a tool that will assist you by collecting the demographic information you will need for your application.
Please note: The Application Wizard will not submit your application for you. Once you exit the Wizard, you will need to Enter and Check Information Required for a Program prior to submitting it.
How do I start my application?
If you have not yet created a record, see this article and follow its instructions
Follow these steps to start your program application.
How can I see what is left to do before submitting my application?
Go to the eLogic Genesis login page and log into your account
- Locate your program application in the left sidebar
- Click the View Required Data button
- Completed items are shown by a green checkmark
- Incomplete items are regular text
- When all required items are completed, your application will show a
completed icon in all items and there will be a Submit Application button instead of Continue Application - you may need to reload the page for updates to be shown
- Click Submit Application for a caseworker will review it
- Tap Applications
near the top of your screen
- Tap your program application to expand
- Completed items are green
- Incomplete items are regular text
- When all required items are completed, your application will show a
completed icon and the Continue Application button will be replaced with "Submit Application" - you may need to reload the page for updates to be shown
- Tap Submit Application for a caseworker will review it
How long do I have to complete my application?
You will have ten (10) calendar days to complete and submit your application from the day you create it. If your application is incomplete on the tenth day, it will be denied and you must create a new application and begin again.
I have a "rent-to-own" and "lease-to-own" agreement. Can I apply for emergency rental assistance?
For the Arkansas Fresh Start COVID-19 Housing Stabilization Program, applicants who have "rent-to-own" and "lease-to-own" agreements are qualified to apply for the program as these types of agreements are considered similar to rental agreements. You will need to be able to give documentation related to these agreements to your caseworker.
Can I reapply if I am denied once?
If you were denied benefits because your landlord refused to accept payment or if you are currently homeless or staying with family or friends due to having no other housing options, you can reapply for benefits.
If you qualify, the Fresh Start Program will pay an amount of up to one month’s rent as necessary to pay a security deposit at a new dwelling, and 1.5 months of rent for the new dwelling. The new landlord must agree to accept payment from the program.
If you need to reapply in the future, log into your account and repeat the application process - DO NOT create a new record using the link from the AR Fresh Start website.